Wednesday, April 27, 2016

More and More Chicks!

Tuesday when I got to school, the incubator was very noisy... there were 4 chicks in there! So now we were up to 5 chicks! We also had two eggs with small cracks in them. By the end of the day those eggs still looked the same, and that sometimes means the chicks were unable to crack all the way out and won't make it. :( But when I got to school today, we had another chick and the other egg sure was wiggling!
Mrs. Otte and I get our eggs from one farm, and Mrs. Mayne and Ms. Fenstermann get them from another farm. Sadly, none of their eggs were hatching. Mrs. Otte and I decided to share our chicks with their classes, so we gave Mrs. Mayne's class 2 of our chicks and gave the cracking egg to Ms. Fenstermann. This made their day! And it made our day, too! We got so many thank you notes and updates about the eggs and chicks from them throughout the day. At lunch time their egg hatched! This year especially we had a great lesson on life and death, and also about sharing and caring!

Today was the first day we got to hold them. Some kids weren't quite brave enough to hold them at first, but by the end everyone did!

Many more chick pictures to come!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Chalk The Walk

Come enjoy family fun outdoors and decorate your school! This is a great opportunity to showcase artists while raising money to replace the playground

Cost: Space rentals are $5 per sidewalk square or $10 per parking lot stall. All ages and skill levels are welcome to join in on the fun. You may create your sidewalk art as a group or individual.
There’s More! We welcome artists to set up a display to sell pieces and display portfolios. Support your artists in the Iowa-Grant Community!
How to Sign Up: To preregister, please contact Kaylin Collins at, P.O. Box 43 Montfort, WI 53569, or Rachel Schmidt at 608-943-6311 x 1026; Fax: 608-943-8438; 498 County Road IG Livingston, WI 53554. We will also happily register you on the day of the event.
We encourage participants to bring their own chalk!

Donations to the playground fund can also be made at this event. No admission fee will be charged for spectators.

Monday, April 25, 2016


We have HUGE NEWS! First of all, I am back, but the even better news is that WE HAVE A CHICK! We had a few pips, or cracks, in the eggs today that we were watching closely. Then when I was sitting at my desk I could hear some cheaping. Since you can hear the chicks while they are still inside the eggs I opened the incubator to see if I could tell which one was making the noise. That is when I saw an egg with a huge hole in it! He was pecking towards the bottom so we didn't even notice him!

 Miss Vandelune and I were watching him and he hatched 5 minutes before the kids came back from library. I was glad she got to see one hatch before she left since she did all the work of keeping them warm!
The kids were shocked that he was black, and not yellow. He was also wet and VERY exhauseted! Before I left tonight I put him in his new home, a rabbit cage. He has plenty of room for his brothers and sisters join him.
(I added a video of him before he hatched. I'm not sure if it will work or not!)
He his is! Egg number 1!

We also have some sad news. It was Miss Vandelune' s last day today. The kids just loved her and will definitely miss her. She did a wonderful job while I was gone. Luckily she is going to be subbing a lot until the end of the year so they will be able to still see her. In fact, she will be in Mrs. Otte's room tomorrow!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Grandparents to Lunch!

We had such a great turnout for Grandparents to lunch! It was wonderful to meet such a great group of supportive, loving grandparents! 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Panther Paw Reward Day!

Happy Monday Owl families! Last week our class met our goal of earning 20 Panther Paws for outstanding behavior during 3rd quarter! When we set our goal at the beginning of quarter 3, the students were able to choose their reward. They wanted to watch a movie and have popcorn. I thought that was a great choice!

On Friday morning, I had the students vote for which movie they wanted to watch. They had to put their initials under the movie that they wanted to see most.
The Good Dinosaur won by a landslide! 
After Phy. Ed we popped popcorn and enjoyed the movie. 

Way to go, Owls! This reward was well deserved.