Friday, December 22, 2017

Ho Ho Ho!!

Merry Christmas!

Sleigh Race with dice!

Lynette put hats on all of our lunch cards!


Monday, December 11, 2017

Christmas is Coming!!

We have been busy making Christmas projects/ presents the last couple weeks. We love writing to Santa and making snowflakes!

We had a birthday last week! Happy 6th, birthday!

We made peeking reindeer.  We put them in the window on both sides so it looks like the reindeer are watching the 4K kids, and us!

We played a Christmas dice game. After we rolled the dice, we had to add one to find the light we had to color.

Please label your children’s winter gear! You would be surprised to see how many things are already in the lost and found!
Students need both boots and snowpants to play in the snow or even on the snowy wood chips. Please help them remember to have them everyday. It also isn’t a bad idea to send an extra pair of gloves if you are able. Sometimes they get wet at the morning recess and they are not dry by the time we have our next one.
PE Shoes- Make sure your child has a pair of shoes to wear at school if they wear boots. They can either keep them in their backpack, or leave them at school everyday. Sitting in boots all day can be pretty uncomfortable!

Elf on the Shelf- Our elf finally arrived! It’s a girl and her name is Lynette. I’m sure you have heard all about her!

Upcoming Information
December 15th- ALL SCHOOL PJ DAY! We will also be watching the Grinch cartoon in the cafeteria
December 22- Early Release- Beginning of Break
January 2nd- Classes Resume
January 19th- Early Release

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Coming to America!

We had a very short week, but we sure packed in a lot of things... especially on Tuesday! We did our yearly "Coming to American." All the kindergartners were crammed into the ship to come to America from England. It was a long trip, but we finally made it!

 Once we reached land, we had to build a house!

 We got to eat a feast in our classroom!

 Can you see all the way down to Mrs. Mayne's room?
 We played a game called dots and boxes after our math test. They had so much fun!

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Don't forget to send me your pictures of your gingerbread men!