Monday, April 24, 2017

Happy Earth Day!

We had a wonderful week of learning about how we can help our earth! We started by learning that we should not litter, and to reduce, reuse, and recycle! We also learned about saving water and energy! I hope your children are shutting the lights and TV off when when they are not in the room, and shutting off the water while they are brushing their teeth!

On Tuesday I tested the kids on their letters, sounds, and some words. Mrs. Langfoss was our sub and we watch the Lorax, a great movie for Earth week! During camp time Allison and Megan from Royal Bank came to talk about saving money. They read a book about a goose that got paid in pumpkin seeds. The goose planted those seed and ended up getting more and more pumpkins. We learned if we saved our money, we would get more and more, too. They ended their time here by helping us plant our very own pumpkin seeds! We put them under the heat lamp and now we have sprouts! They will be coming home soon!

This is what they looked like today!
In the afternoon the kids went out with their buddies to pick up trash around the school. I heard it was pretty windy! The kids loved knowing they were helping the environment.

We made an earth using our hand prints!

We spelled "We Love Our Earth!" Each student had a letter to design (and one had an earth) to spell it out.

 Thank you to those who sent items for our playground fundraiser! These will be available for raffle on Thursday during Reading Fest!

Coming Up-
We will be making something special for our students for the slide show. Please send an 8 X 10 picture frame to school by April 28th. (They sell them at the Dollar Store!)

Upcoming Dates
April 27th- Reading Fest-5:30-7:00!
May 5th- No School
May 11th- Kindergarten Slideshow in Room 100 at 7pm (more information to follow)
May 17th- Zoo Field Trip (families invited!)

Monday, April 17, 2017

Happy Easter!

We had a very quick week this week! We finished up a few spring projects we started working on last week, and were able to sneak in a few Easter projects in the few days we had left!

 Friday we had an Easter Egg Hunt in the classroom. Each paper egg had a number on it. There were 33 eggs, but they had numbers anywhere from 1 to 100 on them! Once they were all collected, we put them in the correct order on the carpet. The kids had so much fun doing it, we did it twice! It never hurts to practice our big numbers!

We candled our eggs on Monday and saw 5 eggs with heart beats! We saw some with veins, and sadly, we saw a few blood rings ("rings of death") and 2 that looked like they were just yolks. They should start to hatch on the 23rd, and 24th! Time sure has flown by!

Coming Up-
We will be making something special for our students for the slide show. Please send an 8 X 10 picture frame to school by April 28th. (They sell them at the Dollar Store!)

Iowa-Grant's 2nd Annual Basket Raffle is coming up. If you are able to, please send an item from the sheet that was sent home. Ideas include cake/ cookie mixes, frosting, spoons, cupcake liners, etc. Please send items before April 24th.

Upcoming Dates
May 5th- No School
May 11th- Kindergarten Slideshow in Room 100 at 7pm (more information to follow)
May 17th- Zoo Field Trip (families invited!)

Friday, April 7, 2017

Eggs, Eggs, Eggs!

What a wonderful week! We began with putting eggs in the incubator, and ended with Grandparents Day!
Brody Lindner's family brought us eggs on Monday! We talked about them, numbered them and then put them in their home for the next 21 days.  We candled the eggs on Wednesday just so we could see how they are going to change in the next few weeks. (Candling is when you put a bright light under the egg and you can see a shadow from inside the eggs. Soon we will be able to see the heart beat, veins and even the chick moving!)
The kids brought and took care of eggs on Wednesday! There were some cute eggs! Some arrived already broken, many were cracked throughout the day, and some never did break!

 At the end of the day these were the ones that had cracks....    (poor Cooper was walking over to get his picture taken and dropped it! So close, Cooper!)

SOMEHOW these 3 didn't crack their eggs! They were so proud (as they should be!)
I love this picture because Isaiah thought it was cool to put it under his neck... until it fell! Luckily he was able to catch it!

Have a wonderful weekend; it should be beautiful!
PS. We will be uploading our Grandparents Program to youtube soon so those who were not able to come can see it!

Love Our Grandparents, Yes We Do!

We had a WONDERFUL day spent with our grandparents! Some grandparents arrived early while we had open door playtime... they thought it was so cool how they could play in any classroom they wanted! We had a few minutes before lunch, so we did a brain break! The kids thought the grandparents should have a turn, too, but they didn't think so!
(I think you know me by now and know that I love to post pictures... but, here's your warning! There are a TON of pictures!)
 The cafeteria was packed for lunch! 

 Once in the classroom, we took pictures to make our picture frames! Each grandparent got one, and each student got one of all their grandparents together! I thought you might like to see them, too!

 Preparing for this was a lot of work... but it is worth every minute of it! So many grandparents thanked us for inviting them to spend the day with their grandchild!

We will be making something special for our students for the slide show. Please send an 8 X 10 picture frame to school by April 28th. (They sell them at the Dollar Store!)

Upcoming Information-
April 13th- Early Release and Parent Teacher Conferences
May 5th- No School
May 11th- Kindergarten Slideshow in Room 100 at 7pm (more information to follow)
May 17th- Zoo Field Trip (families invited!)

Livingston Easter Party
Sunday, April 9th at the Livingston/ Clifton Fire Station from 2:00-3:15. Free Photo Booth.
Candy/ Games- $2.00 per child
Bake Sale

Montfort Easter Bunny Party
The Montfort Library is hosting a morning with the Easter bunny. 
           The bunny will be at the Montfort Community Building from 10-NOON on Saturday, April 8.  You can visit with the Easter bunny, pet real bunnies, take a craft, and buy yummy treats from a local 4-H club.