Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Congrats Mr. and Mrs. QU!

Friday was the wedding of Mr. Q and Ms. U! We walked down to room 100 as pairs singing "qu qu qu qu...".

(We have one extra boy in our class, so I got to be Tyler's partner! I asked the boys if anyone would like to be my partner and the hands shot up! Tyler was the fastest though!)

Mrs. Dums read the vows and married the happy couple.

After the wedding we had cake (actually cookie bars), and then had a dance. It was so much fun!

After lunch we opened or valentines. I LOVED this part! The kids were being so loud because they were so excited about their valentines. All I heard was "Wow, this is so cool!" Thanks ________, this is the best valentine!"...  It made my day. 

Our new site words are have, for.
Remember to send in your permission slip and money for the field trip. We are so excited about it next week!

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