Thursday, May 28, 2015

Eating Watermelon

It's always a great idea to eat watermelon is so juicy! It was so bright outside that I couldn't see the screen on my camera. I had no idea what some of the pictures looked like until now. I love them!
I plan on posting at least one more time to wrap up the year... so remember to check back around the middle of next week! 

Watermelon Week!

This week we learned about watermelon! We were planning on having centers outside, but it was raining... HARD! So we did them in the cafeteria and in Room 100! We had 5 centers- Steal the Seed, Word Scramble, iPad QR Codes, bean bags and coloring. I took a few pictures, but I was mostly busy with my center!

 When we came back in the room, we described a watermelon using our senses. Then I brought out a second one and we compared them. Of course we had to see which one was heavier... I LOVED seeing their faces! Some wanted to make it look like they weren't heavy at all, and the others didn't care if you could tell!

We took a vote to see which one was heavier and it was almost split! The numbers were only off by 1! We weighed them after that and found out one was 12.5 lbs and the other was 13.5 lbs. Even though one weighed a whole pound more, we decided that they were both heavy!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Garden Week

Last week the theme was gardens, but we did a lot more than just that! We finished up our ocean week by coloring an ocean scene with crayon and then added blue watercolor to look like the ocean.  
We learned about planting seeds by reading a few books and then planted bean seeds. I told them I forgot the dirt and cups to plant our seeds in, so we would have to use plastic bags and wet paper towels. They thought I was crazy! After I told them it was my plan to do it that way so that we could actually see the seeds sprouting, they thought it was the coolest thing. I will update later to show you how they are growing! So far we have a lot of sprouts, even if we have to use a heat lamp instead of real sun!
And, of course, we went to the ZOO! It was a little chilly, but at least we didn't have rain! Thank you to all the parents and grandparent that met us up there! It was a great way to wrap up the school year!