Friday, September 9, 2016

First Week Fun!

 Your child might have talked about "Brain Breaks." These are quick videos to get a little bit of energy out at random times of the day. We have done the Rollercoaster one (the two pictures below), but we also dance to other songs like Cheerleader and Sorry. They have so much fun with these!

 We blew bubbles with straws!

 Another Brain Break :)

 Sadly, his popped not long after this!

 Of the surviving balloons, we put them in size order!  

 We have 2 friends that can tie their shoes already! Congrats Owen and Mason!

 Attempting to blow bubbles! I love this part!

A few reminders...
We have a few changes from before school started. Our lunch has changed to 11:05… not a huge difference, but I wanted you to be aware in case you come to eat with your child! Also, Guidance is on Day C instead of Day A.
Book orders are due next Thursday.
Don’t forget to send a snack with your child everyday!

Homecoming parade- Friday, September 30th is the homecoming parade in the afternoon. Kindergarten does not walk in the parade like 4K does, but you are invited to come and watch it with your child. More information will follow.

Upcoming Events
September 30th- Homecoming parade

October 4th- Picture Retake Day

Monday Day E- PE    Tuesday Day F- Music & Art  
Wednesday Day A- PE     Thursday Day B-PE & Library  
Friday Day C-Music & Guidance   (Monday Day D- PE & Art)

  • Remember to send tennis shoes on PE days!

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