Friday, September 8, 2017

First Week!

What a great first week we have had in Kindergarten! I already know this is going to be a great group! We are doing a great job figuring out the rules and getting to know our routine. We have also been learning about bubbles and respect!

 I bet you have already heard about "Brain Breaks!" These are videos, songs, and activities that we do when we need to get a few wiggles out! Some are dancing to Kids Bop songs,  and some are just sill songs we can sing to!

We already started reading on the second day of school! Our first sight word was I.  If your child hasn't done his/ her homework already, please remember to have them read their paper book a few times, sign the back and return it back to school! These are pictures of them reading their books to a partner!

 This was my partner. :)

Playtime and free time!

I "accidentally" spilled bubble solution all over the table! Instead of wasting it, we used straws and blew bubbles on the tables.  We learned that if you touched a bubble with solution on your finger, it wouldn't pop! You can also blow another bubble inside another bubble!

 These kids could all blow up their balloons! Great job!

While doing calendar yesterday I pointed out that the weekend was coming soon. Almost all of the kids said “Aww, but we want school!” Corbin even said, “I’ll miss you, though!” I can already feel the love and it is only the first week!

Remember to send a snack everyday with your child!

Upcoming Information-
September 13- Book orders are due
September 22- Homecoming Parade- 2:30- You are welcome to watch the parade with your child.

Have a wonderful weekend! Mrs. Nelson

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