Monday, October 23, 2017

Pumpkins and a Birthday!

(Sorry this is a late post! I ended up having a sick girl after school and left early than I planned.)

This week we learned about fall pumpkins. We learned about the life cycle of pumpkins and talked about what grows inside a pumpkin. This week we are planning on exploring a pumpkin hands on!

I realized that I didn't take very many pictures this week! Here we are working so hard and quiet at our seats. 

We also had a birthday boy this week! He was so excited about turning 6!

Birthday Shirts- Please send in a white t-shirt in for your child as soon as you can!
Halloween- On October 31st we will be dressing up for Halloween! Kindergarten will also be celebrating our yearly Harvest Day. Your child has a choice of dressing up in their costume OR dressing as a scarecrow. Reminder- no fake weapons, fake blood or masks!
Field Trip to the Children’s Museum- We will be going on Friday! We are planning on eating lunch outside in the park if the weather is nice! You are welcome to meet us up there, or follow the bus up.

Upcoming Information
October 27th- Field Trip
October 31st- Halloween! Dress in costumes or scarecrows this day!
Nov 6th- Early Release
November 9th- Early Release/ Parent Teacher Conferences ***Veteran’s Day program is at 10am. Everyone is welcome!
November 10th- No School- Parent Teacher Conferences

Day D- Art & Music
Day E- PE & Library
Day F- PE
Day A- Art
No School
Day B- PE & Music

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