Friday, February 16, 2018

Uncles To Lunch!

 We had a few uncles come for lunch this week! Thanks for coming! If your uncle couldn't make it this week, they are welcome to come a different time!

Congrats Mr. & Mrs. QU!

 Q & U got married on Wednesday! Mrs. Bast did an amazing job marrying the two and now the kids will (hopefully) never forget to write the letter Q without the letter U!

 After the dance we had a photo booth!

 The teachers dressed up a little. :)

 The kids LOVE Valentine's Day! They are so polite thanking everyone and are so excited to see what everyone gave them!

 Bentley brought glow stick for his valentines. We decided to crack them and play a game in the dark!

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Day 100 and Global Play Day!

We celebrated Day 100 dressed as 100 year olds! These kids know how to age! One minute their backs hurt, and the next they were running around! I might need to ask them what their secret is!

 We rolled the dice 100 times! Each time we would make a tally. We wanted to see which number we rolled the most. We were surprised by the outcome! There was a 3 way tie between 3 numbers!
 We saw how many times we could write our name in 100 seconds.

A few of my friends have earned 10 panther paws! So far we have had friends choose to read to a younger student or have extra playtime with a friend. Great job, kids!

Global Play Day was on Wednesday! The kids had a great time! I wish I would have taken more pictures, but I was playing too much! They loved being able to play board games and with other toys the kids brought.