Friday, September 26, 2014

Apples, Apples and More Apples!

This week we learned more about apples. We talked about the parts of an apple (seeds, flesh, core, skin, leaf, and stem) and that apples aren’t always just one color. For one of our projects we ripped up pieces of paper and glued them to a paper apple. We had to use two colors for the the skin, brown for the stem and green for the leaf. (Some kids must have had bruised apples because some of them ended up with brown on the apple, too. :) )

We each made an apple tree growth chart today. We talked about the different stages of an apple tree- seed, sprout, seedling and tree.

Today we read the story of “The little red house with no windows or doors with a star.” The kids thought it was awesome to see a star in the middle of an apple!
Ten Apples Up On Top! We listened to a youtube reading of the book Ten Apples Up On Top! Then we drew a picture of ourselves and made tissue paper apples to glue on top of our heads. When we made it to the top, we counted our apples and wrote the number word. (“Mrs. Nelson has seven apples up on Top!”) These are decorating the hall right now.

I started using “Blurt Chart” today. Some of the kids have some trouble remembering to raise their hand, so I made a “Blurt Chart” so they can see how much it is actually happening. It is only a chart with 3 post-it notes next to their name. Each time they blurt, they need to remove a post-it. If a student loses all three post-its by the end of the day, they get moved down. If they still have all three by the end of the day, they get moved up! Two students lost all three today, and eight still had all three by the end of the day! It was unbelievable how quiet they were!

Remember to send a picture of someone/ something special! I love watching the kids look at the pictures with their friends during playtime. They get so proud to show them off!
We have learned two sight words so far- I and can. We are also learning about the phrase “I can.” We read a book called My Bus. We only had a few minutes to practice reading it to a buddy, but I am confident that they will be able to read it to you! Remember to sign it and send it back!
We finished our “Friend” journal today and it was sent home. Have your child read it to you! Make sure they touch each word as they read it! We started a new “My Friend Can..” journal. Each day I will pick a student to tell us what they can do. Today we wrote “Mrs. Nelson can cook.” and drew a picture of me cooking.

We started centers this week. 
Puzzles- The kids worked together in a group to put several puzzles together. Each puzzle had a category (ex. tools) and they had to find the four pieces to go with it.  
Train Sorting-  The kids sorted the cars by shapes, numbers and letters. 

Apple Patterns- We finished the AB and ABB patterns. If we had time, we colored the pictures.

Candy Land- The kids worked on their colors, counting, and most important, working together and taking turns! 

Names- the kids were given a packet with each classmates picture on it. They had to find each students name and write their name next to it. (This will be a two week center since there are so many names to write!)

On the back of the center sheets, there will be a number- either 1, 2, or 3. 3 is the best and hopefully what they will get every time! I will also write a quick note on it saying good job, amazing, or something to explain why it wasn’t a 3.
Iowa-Grant Cheer Camp! Even though the permission slip says “daughter,” boys are welcome to attend, too!
Remember to return your Homecoming permission slips.
We got an extra recess today! Ask them to tell you why! I hope they would be able to tell you that since we had been very respectful and hard working this year so far that they let the whole school have an extra recess in the morning!
Here are a few playtime pictures from today. The kids played Candy Land and made a puppet show!

Friday, September 19, 2014

It’s OWL Good in Mrs. Nelson’s       Class! 9-19-14
This week we learned about apples. We talked about all the things that you can make from apples, the different colors apples can be and that they can be more than one color! Before we made our applesauce on Friday, I asked the kids how they thought applesauce was made. That was my favorite part of the week!  I will be finishing their recipes today and will send it home on Monday. A lot of the kids must help or see you cooking at home because they sure could tell me what ingredients were and thought eggs, salt, pepper, flour, etc. all went into applesauce!
I brought my apple peeler/ slicer today and the kids loved using it! We cut and peeled about 25 apples. The best part of the apple (for most kids) was the peeling! The peel comes off in one LONG piece and the kids loved it! They were almost fighting over it! Most of the apples went into making the applesauce, but we kept out a few to taste test and vote on. Zane’s green apple won for the best tasting apple! Then we added brown sugar, cinnamon and water and turned on the crock pot. At snack time I mashed the apples and we ate the applesauce! Most tried it, and most of those kids liked it. We ran out of time to record if we liked it (we will finish it on Monday), but I’m sure they will tell you tonight!
We also had our first day of 4th Grade Buddies. I will send home a list on Monday of who everyone’s buddies are. (I didn’t have time at the end of the day and don’t want to post last names on my blog). Every Friday we will have Buddy Time before lunch.
This week for Intervention (AKA “Camp”) I kept a few kids to work on writing the letters in their name. I will probably end up keeping everyone at some point to do a little “fine tuning” on their name. When the kids don’t stay with me, they go to Mrs. Otte’s room. They have been learning some sign language this week with her. (I will be sending home a “sign language cheat sheet” on Monday.)
We also made an apple tree today. First, we painted a paper towel tube, then crumpled a green piece of paper, and then painted on some apples. They are decorating the space above our coat hooks right now.
Every week I will be sending home a book from the reading series that we have read in class and read to a buddy. Your child’s homework is to read to at least one adult, but encouraged to read it as much as possible (I even told them to read it to their dog, cat, guinea pig, baby sister…). Please sign the book somewhere and send it back to school. (There is a part on the report about parent involvement, so please do your part!) They can then choose if they want to take it back home with them, or keep it in their book box to read during the day.
Next week we will still be learning about apples!

A picture with our 4th Grade Buddies!