It’s OWL Good in Mrs. Nelson’s Class! 9-12-14
This week we learned about ice cream. We have talked about what it is made of, how it is made and also the different flavors. Thanks to having Grab-a-Cone so close, Blue Moon was the winner when we graphed our favorites!
Today we made ice cream! First we read the recipe together and then the kids all helped to add the ingredients in the bags. Each table had a bag and everyone worked together to shake it. Boy, were they glad they had gloves! Even though it tasted a little different from the ice cream they usually have, they still liked it!
In math we have learned about Math Scenes. We read a book that each page had a number at the top, then there were that number of each object. (if the number was 5, there were 5 trees, 5 houses, 5 adults, 5 sheep...) This helps the kids visualize that each number has an amount. We made our own math scenes of 2 and 3. Have them show you them tonight! I have also sent home a page of the number manipulatives that we also use in class (we have a foam version). Please cut these out and keep them to use throughout the year! Right now we are only using 1-5 and they will match the number of squares to the number that is pulled down.
I have decided that each student will bring their own snack to school each day (instead of one person bringing snack for the day.) I will have a small back up snack in case one is forgotten. You are welcome to send a couple days worth of snacks to keep at school so you dont have to worry about it everyday. You are still welcome to bring a class snack for birthdays though!
Reminder about Behavior: I use a behavior chart that everyone starts on Ready to Learn (in the middle) in the morning and throughout the day can move up or down, depending on their behavior. Whatever they end up on at the end of the day I will send home on a note. These will be the different levels (I am just adding two more this week):
Wow! That was Awesome!
Nice Job!
Ready to Learn
Make better Choices
Whoa… Slow Down
Take a Break
“Special to Me Table”- I got a wonderful surprise Friday morning! Remmington’s dad bought a picture frame for each student and then burned and owl and their names in them! The kids are so excited about bringing a picture to put in them! Thank you so much Aaron and Remmington!
This week we are learning about apples!
Mark your calendars...
The staff at IGEMS welcomes 4K-8th grade students and families to a celebration of literacy!
September 23, 2014
6:30-7:45 p.m.
IGEMS Library
Refreshments **RIF books**Readers Theater by students and staff**Family Fun
Drop Everything And Read**Teacher Skit**Middle School Reading Cafe
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