Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Welcome to America!

This week we learned about Coming to America and Pilgrims. We learned that the pilgrims brought the Mayflower to America and landed at Plymouth Rock. We also got to compare our clothes, food, games, school, etc. with ours and the lives of a Pilgrim and Native American.

On Wednesday, we began the day by going into Mrs. Otte’s room at getting on our “ship.” It was pretty tight fitting 60ish kids on one small boat! On the way over, the waves rocked a lot and it even stormed! When we made it to America, they were taken off the boat in groups of 6 and went to build their homesteads (using legos, blocks, lincoln logs, etc.)  The teachers even dressed like Pilgrims!

We ended our day with lunch in the classroom! We all lined our tables up and opened the doors to each classroom so we had one BIG, LONG table. We even turned the lights off!

Since we had our tables lined up for lunch, we did our work at where are tables were! We used whiteboards to write in our journals about what our favorite part of our day was.

Upcoming events-
”LEGO Club”
Where: Cobb Public Library
When: Saturday, December 6
      @ 1:00pm - 2:00pm
Who: All ages
~ LEGOs provided
Children 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

K-2 Christmas Concert- 
December 11th at 2:30pm in the gym.

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