Saturday, January 31, 2015


This week we learned about Penguins. This is one of my favorite units to teach! Some of the kids favorite things we learned about were that not all penguins live where it is cold, parents take turns keeping the egg/baby on their feet to stay warm, and that parents feed their babies food from their own bellies! We also watched a few videos showing penguins doing penguin things. 
On Friday, we did an experiment to show the difference between baby penguin feathers and adult penguin feathers and how adults can swim in freezing cold water! I hope your child remembered the big word we learned- WATERPROOF! When penguins are first born, they grow fluffy, thick feathers. Their feathers are meant to keep them warm on land, not in the water.  After a few months they begin to lose their baby feathers and grow adult feathers. We learned this by first putting our hands in cold water with regular knit gloves on, like baby penguin feathers. Our hands were cold and wet. Then we changed gloves and put rubber gloves on top of them. When we dipped our hands in the water again, our hands were still warm and dry!

Today was Badger day! We got to go out in the hall to polka and Jump Around! The kids had a blast! (Luckily, I showed a video or two of how to polka before we went out!)

Our sight words this week were: is, little
Next week: she, was
Don't forget about hat day on Friday! Please send $1 to support the American Cancer Society if you would like to wear a hat!
Remember to return your January Book-It Calendar!

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