Sunday, September 20, 2015

4th Grade Buddies and Reading in the Hall

We got to meet our 4th Grade buddies on Friday! The 4th graders have been asking us since school started if they knew who our buddies were and they would finally got to meet them!
Every Friday we will meet our buddies in the hall and they will read books with them. For the first time, they did a Get to Know Your Buddy sheet. Since some have 2 buddies, the 4th graders may not have been able to finish their side, so they should be sent home soon!
I will send a note home with your child's buddy's name on it next week so I don't have names on here.

Our school started using PBIS several years ago as a part of a school-wide behavior system. PBIS means Positive Behavior Interventions and Support. Each month we try to have a small celebration for all students. This month we stopped what we were doing and read in the halls (plans were to go outside, but it was pretty wet still.)  Our class is still working on our stamina, and our goal is to only read quietly for 5 minutes in our classroom,  but they did great for 20 minutes!

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