We had so much going on this week! Wow! Our week started with having extra practices for our concert on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Our new sight word is
Tuesday we started our morning with a Big Screen Production in the gym. The movie was called Let's Be Friends. We learned about being a HEALer. H- help, E- empathy, A- adapt, L- love one another.
The video had some pretty amazing kids in it! Hopefully we learned about how we can be an even better friend!
Wednesday we started off the day visiting the Christmas Store! The kids were so proud to pick something out for you!(Thank you to the families that sent extra money so all students were able to get gifts!) Wednesday was also our concert day. I hope you all enjoyed it! The kids were so proud!
You may have noticed a program in your child's folder yesterday. We made 150 copies and the kids helped to fold them. When I got back to the room at the end of the day I found a bucket with about 80 left in it! I know parents probably wanted to see the program during the concert, but at least you will have one now if you want to keep it! :) Here is the link to the Concert video if you missed it, or just want to watch it again!
Thursday I had a sub in the morning. When I got back, Mrs. Schroeder said she could tell there was a blizzard coming... or possibly a tornado! She said they were good, but very chatty! That is how the rest of the day and Friday went! I rarely have anyone move down on the behavior chart, but the last two days kids were all over! Hopefully we will be back to normal next week.
Also on Thursday we got to watch the middle school band and chorus concert! The kids loved seeing the instruments and listening to them sing!
We played some math games with dice.
Friday morning we met with our buddies. They read us the letter they wrote for us and then we walked down together to mail it to the north pole!
Our cute little elves!
Instead of a student gift exchange, if you'd like to send a gift for the entire class you may do that! Some suggestions are: books, games, play doh, sparkle crayons, matchbox cars, Legos, kid sized chairs and other fun things. Your family does not have to send a class gift, this is something you can do if you'd like to. Again, we will NOT have a student gift exchange, this is in place of that.
Aunts to lunch is coming up soon, during the week of January 9-13! Lunch tickets can be purchased in the office prior to coming to the room. We head down to lunch at 11:00am and recess is about 11:30am.
Upcoming Events
December 22nd- Early Release (There is a calendar that you might have gotten at the beginning of the year that has it listed as a full day.)
December 23-January 2nd- No School
January 3rd- School Resumes
Day A- PE
Day D- PE & Art
Day B-PE & Library
Day E- PE
Day C-Music & Guidance
Day F- Music & Art