Monday, September 17, 2018

Camping, Homecoming and Darkness!

This week we learned about Camping! Lots of kids have been camping, but there are many different types of camping! Using campers, cabins, camping in tents in the woods, camping in tents in the backyard… or even in tents the house! The kids loved sharing their favorite part of camping… usually making s'mores!
One of the high school science classes came over to do a little bubble experiment with the kids. There were two different solutions and the kids got to try them both. The class thought both solutions were great! We will be doing our own “bubble experiments” next week.

                             We made campfires on Wednesday!  I didn't see any of the 'fire' on                                                                 their clothes... but there sure was a lot in the sinks! :)

Then we added a marshmallow before hanging them in the hallway.

On Friday it really did feel like we were camping! The lights didn't work in our classroom! We had power, so we did do calendar in our room, but when they came in to work on the lights we went to Mrs. Mayne's room for a movie! 

After lunch we used Mrs. Johnson's room for math and then had the parade.
Have a great weekend!

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