Monday, April 27, 2015


When I got to school this morning all I could hear was chicks! 4 eggs had hatched! Sadly, one did not make it... :( I removed him before the kids came, but we did talk about it together. As I am writing this right now we have 2 that are working really hard to crack open! I'm sure they were waiting until it was nice a quiet in the room.
Mrs. Otte did not have any eggs yet in the morning, so her kids came over to see ours! Boy was it busy in here!

 I know these are blurry, but they got to see how the chicks just snuggled up in my hand like it was in it's egg!

Our leader got to read to the chicks during Read to Self time. He even chose a chick book to read to them!

 I put the incubator under the document camera so we could watch the two eggs that had "pips" in them. 

This one is working hard! The kids will be excited in the morning! I also just noticed one more with a pip! It is so fun to hear them "cheaping" inside their shells!

Friday, April 24, 2015

Earth Week

It was Earth Week this week and we learned lots of different ways to help our earth! On Tuesday Owen's Grandparents (in Ms. Lynch's class) brought in 2 lambs. We learned a little about them, got to pet and hold them, and even got to feed them! Since there were two lines, I wasn't fast enough with my camera to get a picture of everyone, but here is some of the class feeding them!

 (They have numbers on their backs to let them know who is their mother and how many babies were born at that time- twins or triplets.)

 Owen :)

We made an Earth with our hands on Wednesday! 

 Then the kids each were given a letter to write and decorate kind of "earthy." They LOVED this!

Then we spelled "We love the Earth!"
(We had a little mix up with which e was used where, so here is another picture of  "We" so everyone was a the picture.)

 Here it is hanging in the hall!

 On Wednesday we picked up trash with our buddies! We found a lot! Since we were all over, I didn't get a chance to get a picture of everyone with their buddies. 

 The chicks are due to start hatching on Monday! We have loved candling them with the light and in the water (putting them in water to see if they shake), but we are ready for them to start hatching!

 New sight words: has, play, where, look