Monday, April 27, 2015


When I got to school this morning all I could hear was chicks! 4 eggs had hatched! Sadly, one did not make it... :( I removed him before the kids came, but we did talk about it together. As I am writing this right now we have 2 that are working really hard to crack open! I'm sure they were waiting until it was nice a quiet in the room.
Mrs. Otte did not have any eggs yet in the morning, so her kids came over to see ours! Boy was it busy in here!

 I know these are blurry, but they got to see how the chicks just snuggled up in my hand like it was in it's egg!

Our leader got to read to the chicks during Read to Self time. He even chose a chick book to read to them!

 I put the incubator under the document camera so we could watch the two eggs that had "pips" in them. 

This one is working hard! The kids will be excited in the morning! I also just noticed one more with a pip! It is so fun to hear them "cheaping" inside their shells!

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