Sunday, January 31, 2016

Creatures in the Night

This week we learned about nocturnal animals. We mainly focused on owls and bats, but also talked about other kinds of birds and raccoons. Some of the things we learned about with owls are that they use their talons to kill their prey instantly, can’t move their eyes, and instead just move their heads, and some have tufts on the top of their heads that look like ears, but really have no purpose at all!
Bella turned 6 this week! Happy birthday, Bella!
 These are just a few pictures from our centers this week.
We are a little behind, but we wrote what we were thankful for.
 The poem, My Snowball, is all mixed up! First we have to sort by color and then put each line in the right order!
 We got to use magnifying glasses to find the hidden sight words in the snowflakes.
 Scribble Journals
 Write the room- Finding different words around the room that start with each letter.
 Brylie's aunt came for lunch with her this week! She came all the way from California!
We made our "Night Scene" on Thursday. We made trees and a moon and then added googly eyes. Some of the kids even chose to add a silhouette of the nocturnal animal they were making!  

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Lego Club

 “LEGO Club”    
Where:  Cobb Public Library
When:  Saturday, February 6
         @ 1:00pm – 2:00pm    
~ LEGOs provided
~ Many new LEGO sets added
~ Children 6 and under must be accompanied by an adult.                  

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Half Way There!

Friday was "Half Way Day," so the entire school went out in the hall to dance to Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" (Half Way There). We have been in school for 90 days already! 

We met our Big Panther Paw goal so we had Pajama Day on Friday! I was so glad that we met our goal while I was still here because wearing PJs to work was so comfortable! :)

We decorated our snowmen on Friday. Since not everyone brought things to decorate with, we had a lot of kids that were so excited to share! What a great group of kids these are! There are about 80 snowmen out in the hall right now with a lot of interesting things used to decorate with!

We celebrated Charlie's half birthday on Tuesday. Happy half birthday, Charlie!
We celebrated Hayden's half birthday on Friday. Happy birthday, Hayden!
I wanted to see what the kids thought I was going to have; a boy or a girl. I had them draw a picture of me and the baby and also suggest a name! 11 think it is going to be a boy, and 7 think it will be a girl. There were a lot of great name suggestions! Owl, Oliver, Denny, Rosie,McKenna, Will and even Snowflake!


This week we learned about penguins! We learned that some live in cold weather and some live in hot. We learned what they eat, that some use rocks and caves for a nest for their eggs, while some eggs (and baby penguins) sit on the feet of their parents to stay warm!
I asked the kids how big they think the biggest penguins were. Most thought they were pretty small, but some thought they were taller than them.

These are the sizes of a few of the penguins. The biggest penguin is the Emperor Penguin and is taller than some of the Kindergarteners!