Sunday, January 24, 2016

Half Way There!

Friday was "Half Way Day," so the entire school went out in the hall to dance to Bon Jovi's "Livin on a Prayer" (Half Way There). We have been in school for 90 days already! 

We met our Big Panther Paw goal so we had Pajama Day on Friday! I was so glad that we met our goal while I was still here because wearing PJs to work was so comfortable! :)

We decorated our snowmen on Friday. Since not everyone brought things to decorate with, we had a lot of kids that were so excited to share! What a great group of kids these are! There are about 80 snowmen out in the hall right now with a lot of interesting things used to decorate with!

We celebrated Charlie's half birthday on Tuesday. Happy half birthday, Charlie!
We celebrated Hayden's half birthday on Friday. Happy birthday, Hayden!
I wanted to see what the kids thought I was going to have; a boy or a girl. I had them draw a picture of me and the baby and also suggest a name! 11 think it is going to be a boy, and 7 think it will be a girl. There were a lot of great name suggestions! Owl, Oliver, Denny, Rosie,McKenna, Will and even Snowflake!

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