Monday, January 18, 2016


January is the time to celebrate half birthdays!
Noelani celebrated her half birthday on Tuesday! Happy half-birthday, Noelani!
Bently is so lucky to be able to share a birthday with someone in our class! Me! :) He got to celebrate his half birthday on Friday! Happy half birthday, Bently!
This week was Aunts to Lunch! We had a lot of aunts come and eat lunch with us. (And I even got the chance to be an aunt and eat lunch with my niece Cadence on Monday!) 

We made melted snowmen on Friday! I know there is no way a snowman would melt right now, but I wanted to do this project before I left.
First we finished the sentence "My snowman melted because...". Then we painted a big blob with glue and shaving cream and added our snowman pieces. They turned out so cute!

We also made these cute snowmen! They sure brighten up the hall! Ezmae told me that I look like them because my "belly is kinda big and I had a white shirt on." :)

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