Sunday, January 10, 2016


This week we learned about bears. We compared what they eat, what color they are, their size, where they live, and so much more! We also focused on getting along, sharing, and working together. To do this we played a lot of new games during our free time! The kids did awesome! Some of the games we played were Candy Land, Old Maid, Uno, Math Games (War, but we call it "High-Low"), Spot It and Hi Ho Cherry-o. The kids are very patient when helping a friend learn how to play!
We also learned about a new character trait at our monthly PBIS assembly. This month we are focusing on Caring and Kindness.

Our t-shirts!

On Friday we made polar bear pictures using chalk. We remembered that polar bears are the biggest of the bears, but they also have the smallest ears and eyes. We got a little messy, but they turned out so cute!

I have had a few parents ask about my "ugly sweater" I wore before Christmas. Luckily Leah, my 5 year old, wanted to take a picture of my shirt that day. :) My belly is a lot bigger by now!

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