Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Christmas Store and Gingerbread Men

It's that time of year again where the kids can go 'shopping' at the First Grade Christmas Store at school! Please send in $0.50 for your child to 'buy' you a gift! It is always so cute to see what they pick out for you! Please send your money in by Friday, December 2nd.

I have gotten many emails about what the Gingerbread Girls/ Boys did over break. The kids loved sharing their pictures with everyone this morning! If your gingerbread got left behind while you ate turkey, don't worry, take him on a new adventure and snap a few pictures and send them in. :)

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Thursday was great, however, the rest of break and Monday was crazy... I probably should have taken an extra day off because I almost left the house with my shirt inside out!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Coming to America!

This week was a really fast week! We learned a new sight word- go, and learned a little about turkeys and Thanksgiving. We wrapped up our Unit 2 in math and had the unit test on Tuesday. I will be sending those home soon! The kids think they are pretty cool to have a test like the big kids. :)
We also got a new book for RIF and had a refresher about playground rules with Mrs. Bast.

We sure love partner reading!

 All our Thankful Turkey books!
 We were invited to go to Mrs. Fitzsimons' 2nd grade class to see their animal projects. The kids can't wait until they get in second grade so they can make their own!

 Partner Turkey Dice Games. We had to roll two dice and add them together to get the number.

                                                                                              The Pilgrims came to America! We went to room 100 and rode a boats for months to get to America. It was crowded, cold and the boat swayed a lot with the waves. We even had to sleep sitting up against other people! When we finally made it, we had to get on a smaller boat to get to shore. Then it was time to build a homestead!

For lunch we got to eat in our room! All 3 classes lined the tables up so we almost had one giant table! 

Upcoming Events
December 7th- 2:00- Kindergarten Christmas Program
December 22nd- Early Release
December 23-January 2nd- No School
January 3rd- School Resumes
Day C-Music & Guidance
Day F- Music & Art

Day D- PE & Art
Day A- PE
Day E- PE
Day B-PE & Library

On a personal note, I will not be here on Monday and will be having Mrs. Schroeder for a sub. We are moving out of our house that day and into a rental until the end of March. We are finally breaking ground on our new house on Friday! And as if moving wasn't going to be crazy enough, I volunteered to have Thanksgiving at my house with all 5 of my brothers and sisters. It's crazy, but it is so much easier to have it at a place where kids have toys to play with!
Have a great Thanksgiving!