Friday, November 11, 2016

The Farm, Veteran's Day and the Little Red Hen!

We had a big week this week! 
We started our Friday with finishing our American Flag in the hall. We worked hard on Thursday, but didn't quite get to finish it.
Then we made our bread. Each student was able to help in some way. It sure made our rooms (and hallways) smell so good! We also made butter! We put some cream in a jar with a marble and took turns shaking it. The kids were so proud that they made it with their muscles!

Each month we are learning about a new way to be a great student. Last month we worked on being respectful. Each class got to choose a student that they thought was the most respectful, and ours was Charlie! Way to go, Charlie! This we week we are working on responsibility!
We "Planted A Pattern!"
 We finally started centers in our room! 
This center helps us learn our friends names!
 We were working on spelling farm animals on our own. They are doing amazing!
 Sight word word finds.
 Sounding out -at words. (and learning not to use too much glue or the pages will be stuck together!) :)
 "Scribble Journals"- I made a "scribble" and the kids have to turn it into something and then write about it.
 We made an american flag out of chains!

 A trip to the farm!

They use sand to bed the stalls for the cows to sleep on. 
 Walking in front of the feed alley.

 Ryan showed us the different things that they feed the cows and how much they eat in a day... a lot more than we do!

 Ryan and his helper, Zach. :) )Zach didn't have school that day and thought it was awesome!

 The straw bale and the round corn fodder bales they use the bed the calves with.
 TMR Mixer- This is like a big mixing bowl for the cows food. After everything is dumped in it, the TMR mixes everything up before it is fed to the cows.
 Tractor ride! I didn't get to go on it because my dad had to go help chop corn so I had to show the other classes about the robots. They told me it was a lot of fun though!

 A cow getting milked in the robot.  We have 3 robots and the cows can get milked 23 hours a day, any time they want... even at 2am! (The robots get shut down to get cleaned for about an hour a day). The kids thought it was pretty cool that my dad could be milking cows in his sleep!

 This is the bulk tank that holds all the milk until the milk trucks come to pick it up. The bulk tank is actually bigger than this because it goes through the wall into the utility room!
 Wagon ride!
 Mrs. Kelley talked about the calves. The calves are born in this pen and are then taken down to the huts where they live for a couple months.

 This is the bottle they drink from. Just a few hours after they are born, they will drink 2 of these with the special milk their mother's give after they are born.
 Mrs. Kelley is showing 2 pills, the bigger white one is for cows and the smaller brown one is for the calves. The tools in her other hand are pill guns. It helps them give the calves their vitamins. 

 Leah, Ryan, Zach, Mrs. Kelley (Mrs. Kelley is also a sub at school, so we call her by that name!)

 My dad finally showed up at the end to see the kids!

We learned about the Little Red Hen and read several different versions of the book. They were all just a little different. Sometimes the characters were different, sometimes the things she asked for help with were a little different, and sometimes what she made was different! Ask the kids what she made in the last book! (Pizza) :)
We added water...

 powdered milk...
more sugar...
 more flower...
 and more flower...
 and finally the yeast!
 more yeast...
more yeast...
more yeast...
 and even more yeast!
 Luckily we had enough for everyone to help! Charlie got to press the "start" button!

 Owen turns 6 tomorrow. Happy birthday, Owen!
 Kayden's mom came a little early to Mom's to Lunch since she couldn't come next week. :) 
 Charlie's mom came to lunch and the Veteran's day program, too! His big, big brother is in the army. Thanks for your service!
 Cooper and part of his family. :) His dad was in the Marines, so he came for the Program, too! Thanks for your service, Brandon!

 We decided to make butter today, too! We used cream, marbles and small mason jars and then shook, and shook and shook! 

 After smelling the bread all day, we finally got to eat it! It got a big thumbs up!

Upcoming Events
November 14- 18 Moms to Lunch (lunch is at 11:05)
November 23- Early Release
November 24 & 25- No School
December 7th- 2:00- Kindergarten Christmas Program

Day A- PE
Day D- PE & Art
Day B-PE & Library
Day E- PE
Day C-Music & Guidance
Day F- Music & Art

Have a wonderful weekend! We are so lucky to have such beautiful weather in mid November!

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