This week we learned about the Gingerbread Man! We read many different versions and the kids loved to compare them! One of the books even changed the ending and the gingerbread man did not get eaten because he was too FIT and could run too fast!
Our new sight word was and this week! (I, can, the, we, see, a, like, to.)
We have been working on recognizing our last names. They are doing awesome and have learned many of their friends last names, too! Next up is Birthdays!
Dylan turned 6 on Tuesday! Happy birthday, Dylan!
Gingy, our Gingerbread came to visit us! The kids were so excited! He left us a note that he likes to visit us, but not when it is too loud in the classroom. Sadly, he did leave us a note and hid in the closet for a little while on Thursday, but he did come back out by the end of the day! We were much quieter after that!
Gingy was playing with our playdough!
Then he was playing with Ruby's bracelet kit!
On Friday we made gingerbread man cookies! We had lots of ingredients to add! This was one of those 'Kindergarten Days" when we made lots of memories, but didn't do much academics. :) I bet the kids will remember this day for a while!
The finished product!
We approved!
Food Drive & Toys Too!
If you have any food of toys to donate, please bring them to school by December 2nd.
We decorated our own gingerbread boys/ girls today! We would like you to take them on your Thanksgiving adventures with you. Please take a few pictures of him/ her over Thanksgiving break showing what your gingerbread person did, and then send them to me by email. We will share them with the class when we come back after break!
Red Cross Blood Drive- November 21st there will be a blood drive in the high
school from 8:30-2:30.
*It's finally starting to get cold out! Be sure to dress your child in weather appropriate clothing!
November 23- Early Release- I will plan on your child doing the same things as last time, unless I see a note!
November 24 & 25- No School
December 7th- 2:00- Kindergarten Christmas Program
Day F- Music & Art
Day C-Music & Guidance
Day A- PE
Day D- PE & Art
Day B-PE & Library
Day E- PE
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