Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Sorry I'm a little late on this post! Friday I left right away because of the weather and yesterday I was gone in the afternoon because of a dentist appointment.
This week we learned about popcorn! We watched some pretty cool videos of how popcorn pops in slow motion! Our big question was about how we take care of pets. We learned that some pets don't need a lot of responsibility, such as a gold fish, but a dog needs a lot! 
We added 2 more sight words- of and they. We now have learned 24 sight words! We can make some pretty long sentences now!

 Max celebrated his half birthday this week! Happy half-birthday, Max!

 It was FFA week, so we visited the petting Zoo at the high school. We saw baby ducks, a cow, calves, chickens, a goat, and a bunny!

 We made popcorn sight word bags! The kids loved reading the sight words with their friends! Be careful not to get a "POP!"

 Rural Route 1 came to tell us how they make popcorn! 

We even got to taste different kinds!



 Kayden and Morgan can tie their shoes! Way to go, girls!

I don't want to jinx myself, but the last time some one was sick in my family 6 days ago! Hopefully that continues!
Dad's are invited to come to lunch the week of March 6-10th. We eat at 11:05.
March 17th is an early release day.
March 20-24 is SPRING BREAK!

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