This week we learned about Spring! We learned that in Spring it rains a lot... but we know that we will be getting green grass and beautiful flowers soon!
Our big question this week was What do you see in the sky? Our new vocabulary words were distance, recognize, surface, challenge, and space. We did not have any new sight word this week because we took a week to review the last 10 that we have had! (You will also notice that I sent home a "refrigerator" copy this week. I will be sending those home at the beginning of each week so you know what we are learning throughout the week.)
We have always played "war" with cards, but since we are getting so smart, we are now putting 2 cards down and adding them together to win! Sometimes the numbers get pretty big, but we are smart enough to figure it out!
We had a special visitor during camp on Tuesday! Ms. Fenstermann and Violet came! The kids loved seeing her and couldn't believe she had grown so much already because she still looks so tiny. Ms. Fenstermann will be back in about 2 weeks!
Since Isaiah's grandparents aren't able to come on April 7th, they came to lunch on Thursday with him! He was so happy to see them!
We made some really cool rainy day pictures this week! We started drawing them on Thursday with pencil, then we used a fine tipped mark to trace the lines in black. Then we had to erase all the pencil lines. On Friday we used watercolors to paint them! They turned out so cool!
During open door playtime today, these kids worked so hard to make their chain reach from our class to Mrs. Mayne's! Then we discovered Mrs. Leibfried wasn't in her classroom, so we worked quickly and snuck into her room to make it reach her wall! We weren't quite fast enough and she came back before we were done, but she didn't mind us in there!
Yesterday I set up our incubator! We are so excited that the eggs will be coming next Tuesday! Since it takes about 21 days for them to hatch, we are hoping we have some chicks by the 24th! This is such a great learning experience for the kids!
Grandparents Day is on April 7th. If you haven't sent back your RSVP, please do as soon as possible. (Please let us know if no one is able to come so we can arrange for someone else to be with your child that day!)
Since we will be learning about eggs next week, we are asking that you decorate a HARD-BOILED egg with your child and send it to school on Wednesday. We will be taking care of them all day... and finding out how fragile a shell really is. There should be a note in your child's folder tonight!
Remember, if ever you do something fun at home and want to share some pictures with us, just send me an email! The kids love sharing with the rest of the class!
Kindergartners go to the Zoo on May 17th. This is a family field trip! Younger siblings are encouraged to come!
Upcoming Information-
April 5th- Hard-Boiled Eggs to School
April 7th- Grandparents Day- Arrive at 10:45
April 13th- Early Release and Parent Teacher Conferences
May 5th- No School
May 11th- Kindergarten Slideshow in Room 100 at 7pm (more information to follow)
May 17th- Zoo Field Trip
Livingston Easter Party
Sunday, April 9th at the Livingston/ Clifton Fire Station from 2:00-3:15. Free Photo Booth.
Candy/ Games- $2.00 per child
Bake Sale
Montfort Easter Bunny Party
The Montfort Library is hosting a morning with the Easter bunny.
The bunny will be at the Montfort Community Building from 10-NOON on Saturday, April 8. You can visit with the Easter bunny, pet real bunnies, take a craft, and buy yummy treats from a
local 4-H club.