Sunday, November 15, 2015

Who Will Help Me Make The Bread?

This week we learned about The Little Red Hen. We read several different versions on the books and the kids loved to compare them all! Some had different animals, made different things (bread, cake, pizza) and some just used different words. On Thursday we made bread! Everyone got to help make it, so everyone got to share it with me!
We finished making the Little Red Hen on Wednesday. I forgot to take a picture of the finished product, but you will see it when they are sent home.

Thursday was our Pizza Party for selling the most pizzas for the Parent Teacher Club fundraiser! 

To go along with our bread, we made butter, too! We put cream in a jar with marbles and took turns shaking it until we made butter. The kids sure were glad that they worked as a team because they would have been exhausted by the end!

The kids thought the bread was great! We did a great job!

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