Tuesday, October 28, 2014


What an exciting week we had! We started out learning about pumpkins by describing what they looked, felt, sounded (by knocking on them), tasted and smelled like. We didn’t actually taste them, but we have been using our memory)!  We have read and watched a lot of great videos and books about pumpkins!  Ask them what some of the HUGE pumpkin farmers use to pick up all the pumpkins!
We learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin by reading The Pumpkin Book, and then colored and read our own Pumpkin Life Cycle Books. I hope you noticed the beginning of the pumpkin inside the seed in our books!
Tuesday was the day that Quinton Aaron came to visit us! This kids are still talking about him and how they don’t want to disappoint him by being a bully!
On Friday we began a pumpkin project where we used orange paint to make a pumpkin shape and made sure to leave the paint streaks on it to show the pumpkin lines. We will be adding more to this next week.
We started new centers this week.
Sight Word Leaves- The kids walk around the room finding the sight words written on leaves around the room.

Leaves Around the Room- The kids walk around the room and graph the different leaf colors.

Sticks in a Can- Each student picks out a stick, if he/ she can say that letter, he/ she can keep the stick, if not, it goes back in the can. If a red stick is pulled, all of that students sticks need to go back!
We practiced a new sight word by reading it, building it, stamping it and rainbow writing it!

Sight Word Memory- The kids played a game of memory by matching our sight words
One day our tables were too messy from a project to work at, so we decided to do our math workbooks on the floor! Not only was it fun for the kids, it also helped strengthen the muscles in their hands! :)

The kids love reading to buddies!

We were doing some yoga on Friday afternoon! The positions went along with a story, so their minds and bodies were getting a workout!

   We had a tough week with the temperature not working right in our classroom. After MANY calls and attempts from the custodians, they finally fixed it! We had a secret recess while Mr. Nechvatal fixed it for us!
Remember to send your SECRET ingredient for our Harvest Snack!

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